Cleta Riojas

Pastor Adam’s wife, Cleta is an Oceanside native and grew up in North County. Received her Bachelor of Arts in communications from California State University San Marcos and Masters of Arts in Strategic Communications from National University. Currently, she oversees the educational ministry, Freedom Generation Higher Education and is a Real Estate Broker professional and investor. Cleta worked several years as a manager in both automotive and retail establishments as well as a fitness instructor for 10 years for both 24 hour fitness and La Fitness. Over the years she has had the opportunity to delve into Real Estate and small business ventures. 

Cleta is Co-Founder of At The Cross Oceanside church and continues to serve in various aspects of ministry. Her dedication and relentless pursuit of Biblical Truth has given her the courage to STAND firm against the Woke wave.

“I remember in 2013 when my beautiful State of California passed the “Same-sex” marriage act. Prior to it passing, Pastor Jack Hibbs pleaded with Christians to get out and Vote! We were only 50,000 short in our votes. It shocked me! I thought California has Churches on every corner, how could we be short? It was then I realized that Senior Pastor’s like Jack Hibbs were a rarity, and the secular world had invaded our churches across California. 

After much prayer and fasting my husband Adam decided it was time to step out on faith. My husband had been an associate Pastor for nearly 8 years for a large congregation as the outreach pastor overseeing many ministries. God’s calling led us to launch At The Cross Oceanside church in February of 2014. At first we were embraced by our Christian community with support but that quickly changed. I remember so many people telling us we should remove from our Statement of Faith two “Controversial” beliefs: 

We believe the only legitimate marriage sanctioned by God is the joining of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in scripture. 

We believe ALL human life is sacred and begins at conception (defined as the moment of fertilization)

Building a church from the ground up is challenging. Building a church that takes a STAND against the demonic culture is heavenly…

We have always taken a STAND against the WOKE wave even when it was unpopular in the Christian Community. Being a voice for the voiceless, the unborn. Going to School Boards to support the parents in our community even when we were among a minority of Pastors and leaders taking a STAND for the next generation!

2020 was truly a Godsend in respect to the fact that many more Pastors, ministry leaders and God’s people began to join in the fight and take a STAND. Charlie Kirk used his platform for God’s glory and launched TPUSA Faith Group. People began to raise their voice and speak out against the atrocities happening in our schools, abortion clinics and all the corruption happening in the political arenas. It became a movement that swept America as God awakened His sheep. The demonic culture my husband and I stood against is referred to today as- “The WOKE culture”

As I continue to take a Stand against this WOKE wave, I have taken the torch to empower more faith leaders in our Christian Community. “Women Of The Word” was birthed out of the outcry from the Christian community for more Pastors and leaders to join in the battle. I’m excited to serve alongside Lienie Makihele and Nicole Watson who are dedicated to building an alliance of women in ministry composed of pastor’s wives and ministry leaders. We are truly living in exciting times, God is building His warriors for such a time as this.”

Cleta riojas

Cleta is the Founder of Freedom Generation Higher Education.

“As a pastor’s wife and mom it is my duty to educate my children from a Biblical worldview in an environment that values structure, honors medical
freedoms and teaches our Constitution.

Freedom Generation Higher Education was founded as an alternative for like-minded parents as myself looking to break away from a broken school system. We are North County San Diego’s EXCLUSIVE Turning Point Academy incorporating the 5C Model at our educational center.

We must teach, equip and prepare our children from a Biblical worldview so that they are able to proclaim their faith boldly and stand up against the thoughts and ideas of this world.
Nothing is of greater importance!”

cleta riojas

God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn. ~Psalm 46:5