Vincent & Helen Luna

But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26

Children’s Ministry Leaders

Vincent & Helen Luna have been serving The Lord for 18+ years in various capacities within the Church body as a leader and director of worship, children’s ministry, youth ministry, women’s ministry, and community outreach. Their passion and dedication are evident in the love and care they give to their ministry.

Professionally, Vincent earned his Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering and currently works as a Project Manager in the engineering industry. His wife, Helen has taught in public and private school settings for over 10 years. She has obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Human Development (Psychology) from California State University San Marcos, and an Associate degree in Child development from Palomar College.

They have a beautiful daughter, named Hope and are elated to be involved in ministry here at “At The Cross Church”.

Come and meet this powerhouse couple for The Lord on Sundays at church or Monday nights at Celebrate Recovery!